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7 Drinking Game


The 7 drinking game is an easy one that only requires a single die and some beer. So if you’re short on supplies this is the game for you. The object of the game is to make the standing total 7 in order to pass the die to the next player, which can either be easy or take forever and result in a lot of drinking. This game works with anywhere from 1-10 players (yes even single player). Any more than that and it gets to take a little too long between turns.

What You’ll Need

A single 6 sided die and a drink for each player playing.

7 Drinking Game Rules

The goal here is to get the total to reach 7.

Players should sit around a table or some kind of flat surface where it’s easy to roll the die.

On a players turn they roll the die and then remember what number they rolled. They then take a sip and roll again. Before each roll they need to decide if they’re going to add or subtract the roll from the total. After each roll the player rolling takes a sip. They can only pass the die to the next player once they get 7.

Example Turn

  • Rolls a 3 (total is now 3). Takes a sip, chooses to add for next turn.
  • Rolls a 6 (total is now 9). Takes a sip, chooses to subtract for next turn.
  • Rolls a 4 (total is now 5). Takes a sip, chooses to add for next turn.
  • Rolls a 3 (total is now 8). Takes a sip, chooses to subtract next turn.
  • Rolls a 1 (total is now 7). Passes the die to the next player clockwise. They restart from 0 and try again to get 7.

Additional Rules

  1. If the total ever reaches 2 or 12 that triggers a social. Everybody drinks!
  2. If a player rolls the same number 3 times in a row they get to make a game rule. Anyone caught breaking this rule takes a sip.
  3. Whenever someone says the wrong number when trying to calculate the new total they have to take a sip.


Our 7 drinking game is fun and easy. It’s pretty well all luck based so it’s not hard to figure out.