The Chuggernaut’s Originals
These are games created by us here at The Chuggernauts.
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Beer Tricks Drinking Game Rules
This one is a classic trick taking game that involves quite a lot of drinking so make sure you got a few drinks ready. The objective of the Beer Tricks drinking game is to never play the lowest card of a suit or risk drinking as punishments. The game plays out in 5 or so […] More
The Unofficial Disney Classics Drinking Game
We all know the classic Disney tales. Someone dies, someone falls in love, someone kisses someone and a good handful of songs are sung along the way. This Disney Drinking Game is a way to revisit all those classics you loved as a kid, except this time you’ll be getting loaded. What’s great about this […] More
The Hole in One Drinking Game
This card based drinking game is one of our own creation. The goal of the game is much like golf. Try to get the ball in the hole in as few strokes as possible. How the Hole in One drinking game works is a deck of cards is separated into 3 piles for the putters, […] More
The Kim Jong Un Drinking Game
The Kim Jong Un drinking game is a dice game in which players race to become the Great Ruler, who’s word is gospel and whose knowledge knows no bounds. Praise be unto him. Basically it plays out like a lot of other dice games where players roll a few dice and try to avoid certain […] More
Flip Cup Elimination
Flip Cup Elimination is a drinking game very much similar to Survivor Flip Cup except with a bit less drinking and a bit more balance. Basically it plays out like a multiple round game of flip-cup where the winning team gets to eliminate a player from the losing team after every match. The key difference […] More
7 Drinking Game
The 7 drinking game is an easy one that only requires a single die and some beer. So if you’re short on supplies this is the game for you. The object of the game is to make the standing total 7 in order to pass the die to the next player, which can either be […] More
Booze Baron Poker
The idea of our booze baron poker drinking game is to get rid of all the cards in your hand before your opponents can. This game supports anywhere from 3-8 players. What You’ll Need A set of 2 dice and a deck of cards. Then some drinks for each player. Setting It Up To set […] More
Luck Drinking Game
As the name implies the Luck drinking game is all about getting lucky. What you need for this game is two dice, an opaque cup, a coin and of course some drinks. There’s no strategy to this game what-so-ever so it’s a great one for people just just wanna get to the drinking. This game […] More
Hide and Seek Drinking Game
This game takes a regular old game of Hide and Seek and adds a boozy element to it. The goal here is to stay hidden long enough to down your beer and win the game. So if you have a shit hiding spot you better make up for it with some inhuman drinking skills. This […] More
Coin Flip Drinking Game
As far as drinking games go, this is one of the easiest to both set up and to play. The coin flip drinking game is when one person flips a coin and the other calls it in the air. If they’re wrong they drink and guess again until they get it. When they get it […] More
Card Throwing Drinking Game
Unlike most other drinking card games this one doesn’t require you to actually play them. Instead you’ll be throwing them. The Card Throwing drinking game is pretty simple but you’ll want enough space to play it. This game works with any number of people but probably works best in medium sized groups of around 4-8 […] More
Crazy Dice Drinking Game
The Crazy Dice drinking game is a simple drinking game involving two dice and 2-10 players. All you gotta do for this game is roll the dice and do the appropriate actions. This game can either be pretty tame of very frustrating depending on how good your rolls are. It’s possible to get stuck rolling […] More