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The Hole in One Drinking Game

This card based drinking game is one of our own creation. The goal of the game is much like golf. Try to get the ball in the hole in as few strokes as possible. How the Hole in One drinking game works is a deck of cards is separated into 3 piles for the putters, the wedges and the drivers. The putters containing lower cards for small distances, the wedges for medium distances and escaping traps, and the drivers for maximum distance.

What You’ll Need

A full deck of cards including jokers, A piece of paper to mark scores and some drinks for every player involved.

Setting Up The Game

Then take the remaining cards and separate them into 3 piles. The “putting” pile should contain all the Aces and Twos. The “Wedges” pile should contain all the Threes, Fours, Fives and Sixes.  The “Drivers” pile should contain all the remaining cards. Sevens, Eights, Nines, Tens, Jacks, Queens, Kings and Jokers. Now everyone is ready to begin the game. Whichever player is the best golfer gets to go first.

On the pad of paper write down each players name to keep score.

Hole in One Drinking Game Rules

The aim of the game is to get to the hole in as few strokes as possible. Much like in regular golf.

To decide how far away the hole will be, flip over one Driver card and one Wedge card. (Jokers are worth 15 for this). Add those two numbers together and that’s the distance of the hole. Write it down on the pad of paper.

Par for the course is 1 for every 5 of the distance of the hole rounded up. So any hole from 6-10 is par 2, 11-15 is par 3, 16-20 is par 4. Mark the par on the paper.

Now players take turn drawing cards from whichever pile they want, keeping in mind which numbers are in which pile. This will be the distance you hit the ball. It’s a good idea to start with a driver.

After everyone has left the tee then turn order goes to whoever is furthest from the hole. Every time a player draws a card it can either be added or subtracted from their total. Every time someone draws a card they must mark how many shots they’ve taken so far.

Once everyone has made it into the hole mark down how many strokes they were above or under par.

Sand Traps

If anyone flips a joker from the driver deck that means they land in a sand trap. They move forward 6 and are now stuck in a sand trap. For their next stroke they must use a wedge.

Drinking Rules

At the end of a round players drink based on if they hit par or not.

  • +5 = Finish your drink
  • +4 = Drink 4 times
  • Triple Bogey (+3) = Drink 3 times
  • Double bogey (+2) = Drink twice
  • Bogie (+1) = Drink Once
  • Par (0) = No Drinks
  • Birdie (-1) = Give out 1 drink
  • Eagle (-2) = Give out 2 drinks
  • Albatross (-3) = Give out 3 drinks
  • Hole in One = Assign someone to finish their drink

Additional Drinking Rules

  • Drink every time you land in a sand trap.
  • Drink for every missed putt.
  • If you end up at +5 you automatically end the round with +5 and finish your drink.

Example Round

To mark the distance of the hole a Jack and a 5 are drawn. Which makes the hole 16 away (11 + 5). This would be a par 3.

  • Jim starts and draws a driver. Jack. He’s now 5 spaces away from the hole with one stroke.
  • Bob draws a driver. Nine. He’s now 7 spaces away from the hole with one stroke.
  • Carl draws driver. King. He’s now 3 spaces away from the hole with one stroke.
  • Bob (furthest) draws a driver. Jack. He’s now 2 spaces past the hole with two strokes. (11 + 7 = 18)
  • Jim draws a wedge. 4. He’s now 1 space before the hole with two strokes. (11 + 4 = 15)
  • Carl draws a wedge. 3. He’s landed in the hole with 2 strokes! (13 + 3 = 16). He got a birdie which means he gets to assign a drink to Jim.
  • Bob draws a putter. 1. He’s now 1 space away from the hole with 3 strokes. (18 – 1 = 17).
  • Jim draws a putter. 1. He’s landed in the hole and gotten par.
  • Bob draws a putter. 2. He’s now 1 space away from the hole again with 4 strokes. (17 – 2 = 15)
  • Bob draws yet another putter. 1. He’s landed in the hole with a Double Bogey meaning he drinks twice. (17 – 1 = 16). He must drink twice.

The Hole in One drinking game works best if players play multiple rounds and keep track of their scores. Either a 9 hole or 18 hole game depending how long you want to play for. You could even make side bets with drinks between games if you’re sure you’re going to take the next round.